I have an email list that I send out to very occasionally, you can sign up here.
The best way to follow what I’m up to, including events and trainings in your area, is to check this page, sign up on my email list, and also check my twitter, here.
ALREADY HAPPENED (not everything!):
May 8, 2023, 11am Pacific: online livestream
May 19, 2023, Bend, Oregon In -person:
Webinar Recording Available:
Class organized by Process Work Online and co-sponsored with Psychedelics Today. Click here for more info.
Bay Area Hearing Voices and East Bay National Alliance on Mental Illness Present…
Will Hall & Krista Mackinnon
June 5,6 — SF Bay Area
Are you in a relationship with someone who experiences visions, different realities, or hears voices? Would you like to find a better way to communicate with your loved one about their experiences?
As family members, how do we deal with our own fears and anxieties? How should we view our loved ones extreme states? How should we respond? What helps? What doesn’t help?
In this two-day workshop, organized by Bay Area Hearing Voices Network and co-sponsored by NAMI East Bay, we invite you to join with other family members and explore compassionate approaches to being present with, understanding, and supporting our loved ones as they experience voices, special messages, and extreme states. Learn tools for coping with extreme experiences as well as gain a better understanding of their meaning and content.
Create hope by learning the power of storytelling and social support. Look at the role of trauma and explore the recovery movement and the role of peer support and social engagement. Learn effective communication strategies for relationship building that help to overcome our helplessness and fear.
Professionals, survivors, and everyone are welcome to attend.
Friday and Saturday, June 5th and 6th First Methodist Church, 980 Stannage St., Albany
10-5, with one hour for lunch
Fees: $100 (some scholarships available)
Lunch on your own at several restaurants nearby. CEU units available
Send checks to: NAMI East Bay, 980 Stannage St., Albany, CA. 94706. For more information contact: edherzog@comcast.net
www.willhall.net; www.
An Online Family Recovery Course
Taught by Krista Mackinnon
Registration four times each year. Asynchronous course runs 8-weeks online, times flexible.
For more information and to register, contact www.familieshealingtogether.com.
Through a dynamic online learning community, this 8-week course will support and educate families and friends of people who have received a psychiatric diagnosis and/or are struggling with mental health problems. Using latest research and practical tools for recovery, Recovering Our Families addresses: Stories of Your Experience; the Continuum of Mental Health, Distress, and Psychosis; Fundamentals of Recovery; the Power of Hope + Resilience; Strengths Based Perspective; Relationship Building Amidst Psychosis; Boundaries, Limits and Barriers; and Celebrating Recovery Stories.
This course is highly recommended for family members struggling to help relatives in crisis. Krista Mackinnon brings extensive practical experience working with hundreds of families at Toronto Canada’s Family Outreach and Response Program, a support agency that truly makes a difference in people’s lives. – Will Hall
Krista Mackinnon is mental health recovery consultant/trainer/counselor in the capacities of peer support, street outreach, education, community organizing, and family counseling. Trained in yoga and mindfulness based cognitive therapy, she currently practices and resides in Costa Rica. She is the CEO of www.practicerecovery.com, an innovative online therapeutic education and support community for families that works in partnership with Family Outreach & Response Program (Toronto).

Withdrawing from Psychiatric Medications: A Harm Reduction Approach
Will Hall, Dr. Nazlim Hagmann, & Rebecca Ross
Saturday April 27: 930am-430pm
Psychotropic medications such anti-psychotics, lithium, and benzodiazepines are helpful to many – but for some they can become a dangerous trap. When does a tool itself become the problem, not the solution? Are psychiatric medications necessary to treat brain disorders – or is the reality more complicated? And how can people support each other to explore the possibility of coming off medications, and finding new ways to recover? This pro-choice workshop is based on the Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, now translated into 5 languages and used widely in the recovery movement.
Each workshop fee: $135
Enrollment limited to 25: Preregistration required
To register contact: rebeccamross@gmail.com
More program details at www.willhall.net/classes
Will Hall MA, DiplPW, is an internationally recognized therapist and mental diversity trainer who has himself recovered from a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Host of Madness Radio and founder of Portland Hearing Voices, Will’s writing has appeared in the Journal of Best Practices in Mental Health and Modern Community Mental Health Work: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Oxford Press). www.willhall.net
Krista Mackinnon is mental health recovery consultant/trainer/counsellor in the capacities of peer support, street outreach, education, community organizing, and family counselling. Trained in yoga and mindfulness based cognitive therapy, she currently practices and resides in Costa Rica. She is the CEO of www.practicerecovery.com, an innovative online therapeutic education and support community for families that works in partnership with Family Outreach & Response Program (Toronto) and MotherBear CAN (North Carolina).
Nazlim Hagmann MD is a psychiatrist in private practice in New York City. She brings a multicultural background and has many years of experience in public psychiatry sector as a psychiatrist as well as administrator with a critical attitude. She also has knowledge and experience of the mental health insurance world and has been a long time supporter of alternatives as well as peer movement. Currently Nazlim is a second year student at the Institute for Dialogic Practice in Northampton, MA under the guidance of Mary Olson,PhD, and closely collaborates with Rebecca Ross and Will Hall.
Rebecca Ross LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker in private practice in New York City. She works in a collaborative approach and social network-based model of treating people experiencing crisis with psychiatrist and therapeutic practitioner, Nazlim Hagmann, MD. Rebecca also practices at the Ackerman Institute for the Family where she trains with leading family and couples therapists. She is a student of the Institute for Dialogic Practice under the guidance of Mary Olsen, PhD, and Rebecca received her social work graduate training at Smith College School for Social Work. Her clinical orientation is informed by systems, feminist and narrative approaches to working with life’s problems.
OPEN DIALOGUE FILM: An Alternative, Finnish Approach to
Healing Psychosis
Video Showing And Discussion
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Free and open to the public
Process Work
Institute, 2049 NW Hoyt St. Portland
Finland once boasted some of Europe’s poorest outcomes for
schizophrenia, but today has the best recovery results in the world.
They turned their system around with an approach called Open Dialogue. Open Dialogue meets clients in crisis immediately and often daily until the crises are resolved. They avoid hospitalization and its consequential stigma, preferring to meet in the homes of those seeking their services. And, perhaps most controversially, they avoid the use of anti-psychotic medication wherever possible. They also work in groups, because they view psychosis as a problem involving relationships.
Open Dialogue is a new way of approaching psychosis that is rich with application in the US: low use of medications, team approach, working with families and relationships, dialogic listening, non-hierarcy and openness among professionals, non-diagnostic language, and expectation of recovery. Come learn about how Open Dialogue helps people and how we can use these approaches in the US.
Daniel Mackler’s 74 Minute film about Open Dialogue will be shown, followed by a discussion led by Will Hall, schizophrenia diagnosis survivor and director of Portland Hearing Voices, who is training with Open Dialogue creator Jaakko Seikkula. (Will is also offering a day long Introduction to Open Dialogue workshop on February 10.)
Co-sponsored by Portland Hearing Voices, Empowerment Initiatives, and the Mental Health Association of Portland.
More info:http://www.madnessradio.net/madness-radio-mary-olson-open-dialog, http://
beyondmeds.com/2011/03/21/finnishopendialogue/, www.willhall.net/opendialogue
A Workshop With Will Hall, MA, DiplPW
Sunday, February 10, 2013 10am-4:00pm
$90; Pre-registration recommended
Process Work Institute
2049 NW Hoyt St. Portland OR
info: portlandhearingvoices@gmail.com
CEU’s are available for this workshop
Download flyer here: http://www.portlandhearingvoices.net/files/OpenDialogueIntroductionWorkshop2013.pdf.
Co-Sponsored by Portland Hearing Voices, Mental Health Association of
Portland, and Empowerment Initiatives.
Dr. Jaakko Seikkula and colleagues in Finland have developed “Open Dialogue,” a family network approach to first episode psychosis. Open Dialogue de-emphasizes pharmaceutical intervention and instead establishes a dialogue with the social network and organizes a “treatment meeting” within twenty-four hours. This reduces hospitalization, lowers use of medication, and leads to less recurrance of crisis.
In a five-year follow-up, 83% of patients returned to their jobs or studies and were not receiving government disability, and 77% did not have psychotic symptoms. Open Dialogue is gaining support in the US after Robert Whitaker, in his book Anatomy of An Epidemic, featured it as an effective alternative to the poor treatment outcomes for psychosis
in the US.
Open Dialogue is a new way of approaching psychosis that is rich with application in the US: low use of medications, team approach, working with families and relationships, dialogic listening, non-hierarcy and openness among professionals, non-diagnostic language, and expectation of recovery. Come learn about how Open Dialogue helps people and how we can use these approaches in the US. Similarities with Process Work and other approaches will be addressed, and you will learn new tools to put into practice right away.
Portland Hearing Voices Director, schizophrenia diagnosis survivor, and therapist Will Hall is currently training with Dr. Seikkula and his colleague Dr. Mary Olson in Open Dialogue at the Institute for Dialogic Practice. This introductory workshop with Will provides a basic introduction to Open Dialogue and the concepts behind it. (Open Dialogue is a Finnish hospital clinical method based on 3 years+ training, and this Introduction does not represent the depth of
that method, but instead serves to spark interest in learning more.) This is the third year this popular workshop has been offered in Portland.
A limited number of scholarships are available for this workshop, please contact us.
More info:
http://www.madnessradio.net/madness-radio-mary-olson-open-dialog, http://
beyondmeds.com/2011/03/21/finnishopendialogue/, www.willhall.net/opendialogue
Psychiatric Medications:
A Harm Reduction Approach
with Will Hall MA, Dipl PW
Sunday, October 21, 2012
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Process Work Institute
2049 NW Hoyt St. Portland, Oregon
$120 ($108 before Oct. 8th)
Space limited; pre-registration recommended
Registration: info@processwork.org
Scholarship info: portlandhearingvoices@gmail.com
CEU’s available for this workshop
Download flyer here: http://www.portlandhearingvoices.net/files/PsychMedicationsWorkshopOct21-2012WillHall.pdf
How can anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and other drugs be used wisely? What are the risks and benefits? How can we collaborate effectively with prescribers, and what about reducing and discontinuing medications? Come learn a pragmatic harm reduction approach that is neither pro- nor anti- medication, but instead based in mental diversity. Everyone is welcome: professionals, survivors, students, family, and anyone taking or not taking medications.
Will Hall, MA, DiplPW, is a therapist who has himself recovered from a diagnosis of schizophrenia and now teaches internationally. Director of Portland Hearing Voices and host of KBOO’s Madness Radio, Will has written in the Journal of Best Practices in Mental Health and in the upcoming Oxford University Press Modern Community Mental Health Work. He is author of the Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, used widely in the peer recovery movement. https://www.willhall.net.
Co-Sponsored by:
Process Work Institute, Portland Hearing Voices, Mental Health Association of Portland, and Empowerment Initiatives
For more information:
www.processwork.org and www.portlandhearingvoices.net